For full control from your portable devices

With home and building automation systems.

in the support and documentation sections.

The new ZONING system platform that is open, powerful and flexible.

Direct expansion, VRF, hydronic systems.
Regulating temperature by zone
Enables independent temperature control in different rooms in your home, commercial premises or office with a single centralised production unit.
A CONTROL PANE and a unit control interface that is adapted to air conditioning or heating systems.
See how many independent zones you want to control and select a THERMOSTAT for each of them.
Select the number and type of zone damper that you require. You can use 2 MOTORISED DAMPERS for each of the zones.
Decide whether you need a PRESSURE CONTROL, if the minimum flow rate of the system is higher than the flow rate of the smallest zone.
Finally, choose whether you want to control the system through the two remote control INTERFACES.
You now have everything you need to enjoy a Zoning system.
Rational energy use and consumption adjusted to real requirements Avoids having to air condition unoccupied zones
Adaptable to all types of buildings and air conditioning systems Direct expansion, VRV, hydronic systems, etc.
Open communication With home and building automation systems
Flexible For wired and wireless solutions
Rational energy use and consumption adjusted to real requirements Avoids having to air condition unoccupied zones
Adaptable to all types of buildings and air conditioning systems Direct expansion, VRV, hydronic systems, etc.
Open communication With home and building automation systems
Flexible For wired and wireless solutions